
kaos dakwah f06


Size: S/M/L/XL/XXL

Title: Al ilmu qobla qoul wal amal

Bahan: cotton combed 20s

Finishing: Sablon plus press

Anda juga bisa pesan secara manual  dengan cara Ketik: kaos f06/ jumlah/ Nama/Alamat lengkap/nmr HP kirim ke 082226298085 / 082134726888/ 081286320783/


Product Description


kaos dakwah f06 New Hitam berbahan cotton combed 20s merupakan kaos berbahan cotton terbaik. Banyak kaos distro berbahan cotton combed namun biasanya dibawah kelas 20s yaitu 24s, 30s, 40s.Cotton combed 20s adalah yang terbaik di kelasnya.

kaos dakwah f06

Dengan islamic desain dan sablon pluss press. Kaos ini terbilang harganya terjangkau dengan kualitas bahan yang kami tawarkan yaitu cotton combed 20s. Anda bisa bandingkan dengan kaos distro lain yang sepadan bahannya.

Untuk order anda bisa langsung memilih opsi warna, ukuran dan jumlah kemudian klik masukkan ke kerangjang. Anda juga bisa pesan secara manual  dengan cara Ketik: kaos f06/ jumlah/ Nama/Alamat lengkap/nmr HP kirim ke 082226298085 / 082134726888/ 081286320783/

kaos dakwah f06

This t-shirt is low price with the best material, therefore you must choose this. first it made from cotton combed 20s while the price just IDR 80.000,00. so, choose one for you. It better than the another. consequently what you wait! second, it finished by sablon and press, so it will make well-preserved. most of all don’t used press.

third, the size that offered from S, M, L, XL, XXl. as a result all of you can choose this one. in addition the words give you motivation to be better because we make it to dakwah, how with another. finally let’s join us by buying this product. almost of all our product is good because we product best goods also with the best material.

Compare our product with other, you will get this is the best one. in conclusion our product is the best. probably you will not get other product with same specification from it. consequently our product is low price while used the best material. in addition  you can make the words by your self if you want with terms and conditions apply. this t-shirt especially relevant for young and old man. we have experience since 20013.

furthermore you can call or chat with us to more information.


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